Kinesiology was developed by a Chiropractor, George Goodhart, in the l960s. He drew on his experience as a Chiropractor and his knowledge of Chinese Meridian therapy to create a powerful, effective system of healing.
Kinesiology is a natural health therapy used to balance posture, increase energy levels, relieve stress, alleviate aches and pains, helps the body feel and function better, it enables people to be more effective in daily life, it can help clarify and achieve goals and lead people into happier, healthier ways of being.
What makes kinesiology so effective is the use of muscle testing which enables the practitioner to obtain feedback from the body which would otherwise be unobtainable, thus enabling the practitioner to get to the root of the problem quickly and easily. Muscle testing can be used to access information on chemical imbalances in the mind and body, this can include nutritional/ vitamin deficiencies and excesses, food intolerances, & environmental pollutants Also emotional stresses can be identified and released. Postural/muscular imbalances can be rebalanced. Kinesiology can be used effectively to access the unconscious mind and thus can help eliminate negative patterns of belief and therefore release negative behaviours. In fact kinesiology is considered to be one of the best methods to use to uncover and help the underlying causes of health problems that are difficult to find by any other means.
Once an imbalance is found the kinesiologist can then use the feedback from muscle testing to find out the best way to correct the imbalance. Corrections can include massaging lymphatic points on the body, holding points on the head called neuro vasculars points, rubbing reflex points along the spine, working on the muscle directly, working on meridians, using metaphor to change perception, also nutritional supplements can be used to rebalance the body.
Muscle testing allows access to the ‘whole person’. mind, body and spirit and so healing occurs on many levels. Often when a client comes in for help with one issue they find other areas of their life, including relationships with others improve as well.
Conditions that have been helped with kinesiology are:
Depression Menopause
Back pain Allergies
Addictions Food Intolerance
Achieving goals Hayfever
Migraine Candida
Digestive Problems Negative Beliefs
Stress Poor self image/confidence
Also Kinesiology is great for people who know they don't feel 100% but are not really sure why.
This gives a brief outline of what Kinesiology is, however it is very difficult to put into words exactly how and why it works, it just does! And it’s amazing! So I would really recommend experiencing it at first hand to appreciate its many benefits.